Jewish Legacy Society -
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Jewish Legacy Society

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    People of all income levels make charitable gifts to organizations close to their hearts. The Jewish Legacy Society at Chabad of Solano County honors those who have chosen to make a planned gift of any amount through their estate plan . That is the sole criterion for membership in the Jewish Legacy Society. You can use your gift to honor the name of your family or loved ones, or you may choose to be anonymous. Your planned gift puts you in good company today. Later, your gift will do good works in our community for generations to come.

    CLICK HERE  to download your Legacy Society form. Once complete, email it to [email protected] .  

    Membership Information

    If you have included Chabad of Solano County in your estate plans, in any form and in any amount, please contact us. We would be honored to acknowledge and thank you. Your gift is a lasting tribute to your philanthropic passion.

    Benefits to you and Chabad of Solano County

    i.      Tax benefits to the donor; immediate federal tax deductions, avoidance of capital gains, and lessening or elimination of estate taxes.

    ii.      You determine the amount of your planned gift. It can be as simple as assigning a specific amount of money or a certain percentage from your estate.

    iii.      There are many instruments to serve as planned gifts, including bequests, insurance policies, IRAs, real estate, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead gifts.

     iv.      No minimum amount is required for a Jewish Legacy Society gift.

     v.      Make a tangible difference with a deferred gift to assist Chabad of Solano County thrive and thus improve the quality of life in Solano County.

     vi.      And, last but by no means least, is the positive personal impact such a planned gift will have on your family. It is a mitzvah and a perfect example of tzedakah!

    With deep respect and gratitude, we extend the following benefits to all members of the Jewish Legacy Society:

    • A Jewish Legacy Award acknowledging your generous contribution.
    • Recognition on our website and printed material.
    • The nachas and joy knowing that future generations will benefit from your kindness. 

    The most lasting item valued above all, is the personal satisfaction that comes with knowing that you and your loved ones have made a difference. You have lit the candle that will become an eternal flame.

    Your Moment. Your Legacy. Your Chabad.

    Please be sure to share with us your intentions to leave a legacy so we can appropriately thank you. To join the Jewish Legacy Society, please fill out this form and email the filled out form to Rabbi Chaim Zaklos at [email protected].

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