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Dear Friend,

At Chabad, we believe in an open-door policy, where everyone is welcome regardless of affiliation, background, or financial status. Unlike traditional synagogues, Chabad of Solano does not ask for annual membership dues or require any building fund payments. Yet, we still have programs to support, special events to run, and general operating expenses. Our annual budget is $500,000.

Despite the common perception that Chabad headquarters substantially underwrites our operations, we receive no monetary support and we are solely funded by individual donations. Every dollar raised locally supports our local activities. Our Chai Club is comprised of people committed to the financial support of Chabad of Solano County through ongoing monthly donations in multiples of $18. Eighteen is the numeric value of the Hebrew word “Chai,” meaning life, and these monthly donations make a great difference toward meeting Chabad's operational budget.

Every $18 is significant!  Watch this!

Ten people giving $18 per month is $180 per month = $2,160 per year

Now if Chabad had…

ten donors at $18 per month
ten donors at $36 per month
ten donors at $72 per month
ten donors at $108 per month
ten donors at  $180 per month

That would mean 50 donors are 
contributing $49,680 annually

Add another 50 donors and it’s approximately $100,000 annually.

The exponential growth potential is amazing!

Please join our Chai Club. As a member of the Chai Club, your monthly donation, combined with everyone else’s in this special club, will allow us to continue to serve the community’s needs like never before.

As a convenience, you can choose monthly credit card billing on the secure online form below.

Thank you for your support & friendship. Our annual donors, volunteers, and all who contribute their time and resources make Chabad of Solano County's activities possible! 




Chai Club Donors

Basovich, Leonid & Polina

Boriskin, Wendy & Jerry 

Bousley, Prosper & Barbara

Brauning, Alyson

Breckon, Travis & Wendy

Chumak, Boris & Yelena 

Cooper, Bob & Nina

Corman, Larry & Sandy

Cutler, Sheryl

Davis, Avram & Tamar

Deems, Dorothy 

Estrin, Diana

Freeman, Douglas & Marlene 

Giner, Teresa

Goerke-Shrode, Sabine

Goldstein, Glenn & Marilou

Grossman, Larry & Susan  

Halle, Uri & Nechama

Hansford, Chris & Jennifer

Hansford, Nathan 

Harris, Steve & Pat

Karfiol, Sy & Bevely

Lessem, Rachel

Levi, Joseph & Jenny 

Levi, Sarrah

Levin, Edward and Carol  

Matagrin, Moshe & Rivka Leah

Meeks, Gregory

Ovaide, Shlomo & Doreen 

Perlmutter, Barry & Marryanne 

Pickel, Joshua & Sara  

Pon, Barbara

Pravdin, Eugene  

Rayz, Inna & Peter

Rosner, Shulamit Linda

Serebrynik, Uri & Marilyn

Seligsohn, Sara

Sillen, Steven & Blanche

Tkach, Alexandr

Traub, Nelmaray 

Wender, Laurie  

Wolf, Stephanie

Wise, Al & Jeni

Yehudis Dolmo, Chaya 

Zazula, Robert

Zuckerman, Binyamin & Avital


Thank you to all our annual donors, volunteers, and all those who contribute their time and resources to make Chabad's activities possible. 



$1,800 $900 $540 $360 $180  $108 $72
 $36 $18 Other $

I’d like to contribute the above amount on the 1st of each month,





You may cancel or change donation amount and/or duration at any time by contacting our office.


In Memory of In Honor of




First Name

Last Name


City, Province,  
Postal Code

This is my

 Home address  Business address



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 Subscribe me to Chabad’s email list
 You may add my name to the list on right


 Please charge the above amount to my credit card on the 1st of each month for the above duration.

 Please contact me to discuss other payment options

Card Type


Card Number

Exp. Date


Security Code


 You may acknowledge my gift to the above email address.

 Please acknowledge my gift by mail to the above street address.